in minutes
maximize yield
with variable rate seed prescriptions
With all your data in one place, it’s easy to build prescriptions on your own or with your dealer. FieldView seed scripts are powered by unique research and scientific models, along with your field data, to optimize your investment. You can also use our simple manual seed prescription tools to save time and improve productivity.
Using the FieldView seed scripts tool has allowed us to use maybe not less seed, but place that seed where it can be more profitable.
Justin Hanson, IA
Farmers using FieldView seed scripts saw an average increase of
+5 bu/ac
compared to users who wrote their own scripts.*
*Assumptions: Comparing 281,000 ac in 4,179 fields. More than 25% of field had script. Products’ maturity ranges between 95-115. Limiting comparisons to the same county; represents 79 counties in 10 Midwestern states. Minimum of 3 Advanced & DIY seed scripts in a county to be compared.